About & Privacy

Got an anonymous tip? Do you have information on a breaking story we may not have covered yet? Do you have a story about fraud, waste, abuse, corruption or the misuse of taxpayer funds? Is there something inaccurate in one of our posts that needs correction? Is there information that was posted that should be removed?

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I had the right to remain silent….. But I did not have the ability…….

-Comedian Ron White


Welcome to Judicial Council Watcher!

Who we are – political commentary reporters with backgrounds in technology, government intelligence and construction attacking an institution that is bleeding corruption at the highest levels. Note: We also publish ghostwriters, named journalists and others who write articles for us.

Why don’t you use your real names? – We don’t wish our next speeding ticket to transform into a capital offense because we halfheartedly believe the people in charge of this corrupt system have that much juice.

What is your objective? – To dismantle the apparatus encouraging corruption and to ensure reforms to make such an endeavor difficult to launch in the future. Our secondary objective is to expose the corruption and to ensure that the corruption leads to prosecution. We initially set out to put a spotlight on what we believed to be about 8 billion dollars of spending by an agency clearly frought with fraud, waste, abuse and public corruption and accountable to no one.

Since our inception we’re re-defined ourselves to be “California’s 10 6.5 billion dollar reality check” because CCMS costs continue to explode in magnitude and the AOC’s office of court construction and management still pays $409.00 for clock batteries. We look at it as ten 6.5 billion dollars of wasteful spending without transparency or accountability. Accordingly, all 10 billion must be removed from their hands and a regime change must take place that replaces most all directors and most, if not all of the management in at least two programs: Construction and Information Services.

We are not against the programs themselves, just the gross mismanagement of them.

Firing whistleblowers in programs such as these is like mixing in a tactical nuclear weapon into a fireworks display on the 4th of July. It is something that just isn’t right, it’s something that you pay attention to and it’s something that just might have attracted the attention of others who might have a stake in reforms, like the rest of the judicial branch and the people of the State of California. All of these terminations attracted our attention and there are dozens more we haven’t listed or made much reference to.

WARNING read carefully – Protecting your privacy and anonymity is important to us.

We hope you enjoy your stay but we think there’s a few things you should know about this blog. To start off with, if you blog anywhere else on wordpress.com and have a registered account, it is possible that your personal information might be displayed if you have not edited your personal profile. Additionally, your icon here at wordpress is triggered by your email address, regardless of the alias you post under. Please keep this in mind if you are switching from your regular name to what you might believe is an anonymous posting.

1. We do not disclose who any poster is, their email address or any personal information about them. We believe that everyone should be able to join a forum for discussion in a productive, respectful manner. Due to the sensitive nature of the judiciary, we wish to promote and assure confidentiality for those who come forward and post.

2. And now the bad news. It only takes legal process to determine whom a poster is. Given this is a U.S. based site, the site host is obligated to provide that information when part of a legal process.  We’re working on that part but in the meantime, please be aware that what you post could come back and haunt you if a legal process is launched to determine whom you – or any other poster might be. It’s for these reasons that we recommend that you do not use your real email address or even your real name.

3. My email address is judicialcouncilwatcher@hushmail.com and for reasons of security and to protect my anonymity, I respond only with secure, encrypted email. Due to the nature of secure, encrypted email it is possible that my replies can get caught up in spam filters. Someone typically responds to messages within 24 hours. 1 hour.

4. We have recently integrated SOCIAL MEDIA LOGINS from facebook and twitter. Note that if you utilize SOCIAL MEDIA LOGINS our privacy policy is governed by that social networks privacy policy. In plain english, using a social media login can and will expose your social media information to readers here at JCW. If you desire to protect your privacy, log in as a guest and do not use social media logins from twitter or facebook.

This blog seeks to present to the reader serious issues regarding the public’s trust in the judiciary and California’s judicial branch of government. The people whom are ultimately responsible for California’s judicial branch are the members of the Judicial Council of California and their administrative arm known as the AOC or the Administrative Office of the Courts. Although some may view this blog as a threat to the independence of the judiciary, I view this blog as a punchlist of items that the Judicial Council needs to address and the AOC needs to take care of in a legitimate fashion.

Threats to the judiciary come from outside intervention on the judicial branch’s own failure to act, not from dissention in the ranks.


“The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body — working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdication, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”

–Thomas Jefferson (1821)


Judicial Council Watcher is not the place to launch attacks against judicial officers for their work from the bench, nor is it a place to discuss your legal case if it is not directly tied to the judicial council or the AOC. This site does not represent a free-for-all against our court system as we believe an effective justice system for all is essential. We reserve the right to edit and/or delete posts that attack judicial officers for their work from the bench or for discussing your case when it is not specifically related to the judicial council or the AOC. We do however welcome you to avail yourself of using a signature line to point to your own website when posting here.


Customer Delight Team Services

Judicial Council Watcher is a professionally moderated* website that provides a host of services to our readers. All of these services are provided on a follow the sun basis by our global moderation team gratis. Please contact us about any of these services using any link on this page.

Privacy Services – We will consult with you to and guide you into how to post on wordpress without revealing your identity while communicating on Judicial Council Watcher. While we can’t protect you from your unique character or writing style, we can and will advise you on how to protect your identity while participating on this site.

Moderation Services – If there is something that is posted on this website that shouldn’t be there, please contact us immediately with a link to the post in question. Moderation services are also encouraged if you have an issue with a fellow poster. Judicial Council Watcher is dedicated to a free-flowing discussion of the people, places and events surrounding the Judicial Council and the AOC. Free-flowing discussions sometimes are taken personally and an anonymous gravitar on the internet is a big wall to hide behind and throw rocks. We can and will intervene if we believe the discussion or dispute is getting out of hand.

Network Syndication Services – At last count, Judicial Council Watcher was syndicated to 310 other outlets on the internet and each post is mailed to 152 recipients (as of 7/6/2012) and is read by between 2,000 and 5,000 times each day. If you’re associated with judicial branch activities, an association that wishes to get their message out – even if it’s in opposition to our views or activities, your message will be read by thousands. While we won’t and don’t post everything submitted to us, we enjoy publishing California judicial branch related news and opinions. Enclose your logo and we’ll use it. Choose or upload a youtube video and we’ll use it. Please contact the customer delight team if you wish us to host your video or audio.

Message Relay Services –  Oftentimes we get a reader that does not post that wishes us to forward a message to one of our posters. If you send the message to us – and we have an accurate email address on file for the recipient (something we actually discourage) then if we can relay the message -even if it is asking a poster to contact JCW to pick up your message, we’ll make every reasonable attempt to relay the message.

If there is a service that you need that is not listed, feel free to contact us.

*Professionally moderated by the global customer delight team of Yen Interactive Media

Creative Commons License

Judicial Council Watcher by Judicial Council Watcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at judicialcouncilwatcher.wordpress.com.

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On January 1, 2012  Judicial Council Watcher became a public interest project underwritten by Yen Interactive Media and owned and operated by Yen Networks of  Pleasanton, California.

Creative Commons License
Judicial Council Watcher stories produced by Yen Interactive Media are also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at judicialcouncilwatcher.wordpress.com.

Yen Interactive Media stories produced elsewhere retain the rights of their respective publications and publishers.

Yen Networks – A Yen Interactive Media Company
4900 Hopyard Road, Suite 100
Pleasanton, California 94588





4 Responses “About & Privacy” →

  1. unionman575

    August 11, 2012

    New readers find the JCW secure contact form here.



  2. unionman600

    September 29, 2012

    There is a proposal being submitted to the AOC to Repair Larson control system and hedonic piping. Why would they need to repair a plant that work for over two year? The plant and control system need to be restored to its original state by someone that know what to do. There is discussion about replacing the wiring for the control system has been approved by Echlon and the AOC is aware of it. The hydroid system needs to be repaired not reengineered. The plant had the Chilled water storage tank as part of it and the chiller ran only at night. The chiller could not run during the day without failing do to part loading. The contractor is just grabbing at straws. The AOC should bring back the original team to repair the system. They need to do what right for the building. The Fire smoke system have failures and the building need to have a fire watch until repaired.

    • Unionman600, you are new, aren’t you. You’ll find there’s no need to double-post. Your contribution is valued. Welcome!


    Regarding the AOC contracting for attorneys of Juvenile Dependency cases…..the AOC spends in excess of 105 million per year on these court appointed “Juvenile Dependency Attorneys.”

    The problem is the Judicial Branch should have no such responsibility according to the American Bar Association, which claims that once a judge is in a position to influence the appointed attorneys compensation, the attorneys loyalty shifts to the judge and not the client. SEE RULE 5.54….
    In fact no other appointed attorney process in California is under the financial control of the courts except Juvenile Dependency….even Juvenile Delinquency is under the executive branch….where it belongs….

    This is undue influence is precisely what has occurred since the AOC adopted, as directed by the Judicial Council, the Juvenile Dependency DRAFT Program….it is an unethical obligation put on the courts by the California Legislature in error with the consolidation of the courts…under the government code…..which the Judicial Branch should have rejected….

    WHY….because the California Constitution prohibits the Judicial Council from making or promulgating rules or processes that are inconsistent with Statute!

    Since Welfare and Institutions Code section 218 says that the county shall pay for appointed Juvenile Dependency attorneys and such payment is to be “approved by the trial court” …how in law and in compliance with the California Constitution, under (WIC sec 218) can the Administrative Office of the Courts, the AOC be paying for these attorneys????

    How can the AOC be the only entity under its DRAFT program to be the only entity approving the bills of the appointed attorneys….

    Easy….like in Alameda County, these appointed attorneys collect their pay currently….
    ….. after several changes from the original cost cutting scheme (done to deprive attorneys of “reasonable compensation to lower state cost…ie they used to get paid hourly for each case with no cap, and are now , after a failed previous payment plan that was capped, paid a sum relative to the total number of cases they are appointed to) …the result is independent zealous advocate attorney performance is not just lacking but completely abandoned….WHY?

    Let me explain how it works…..

    Every appointed attorney in the Juvenile Dependency DRAFT program…does the least to get by…which means makes an appearance and never even conducts client attorney meetings except immediately outside the courtroom before the hearing…and maintains a P.O Box for an office…keeping overhead to virtually nothing……because they also control the fox guarding the hen house….as one member of their contracting firm is responsible for insuring that they perform adequately for their clients….and the poor schlubs who are clients are never told who to complain to IF they dont think their attorney is doing something for them…ie ineffective assistance of counsel….

    Thanks to the “sealing of Juvenile Dependency files ….which keeps this truth covered up…

    This is great work if you can get it..doing absolutely nothing but appearing in court and get paid an average of $140,000 per year..here is how it works…with no real effort….

    Nearly every appointed attorney conducts ZERO investigation of the facts for the client…files ZERO responsive pleadings on behalf of their clients….and Child Protective Services gets away with outrageous conduct and has the adept hand of the respective County Counsel to keep it that way….after all there is ZERO challenge from the appointed attorneys….

    THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A MARSDEN MOTION GRANTED TO AN INDIGENT JUVENILE DEPENDENCY CLIENT IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA EVER….how is that possible with over a hundred thousand cases involving over 200,000 parents and even more children????

    I searched the records for only the last 10 years….and can find no successful Marsden motion, for those that don’t know …Marsden motion is the method used to remove an Appointed attorney for ineffective assistance…..which IF granted would require a report by the Judicial Officer who grants such a motion to report the attorney to the California BAR….NEVER happened…and NEVER will under this scheme to defraud the California Taxpayer……

    Since the AOC has it written into the contract agreements that they can “investigate and check on any attorney and his work….they don’t have the time to actually see IF any motions were actually filed or IF any action was done…the only real thing they check is does the case number exist and was that attorney assigned and appointed to the case….the result…the poor and stupid incompetent people hauled into Juvenile Court get a paper puppet for a lawyer and get screwed and the attorneys collect fraudulently from the California Taxpayer money they have not earned for “providing legal assistance”….how else can you reduce the cost of appointed attorneys below any reasonable cost for compensation and get away with it…..and which appointed attorney is going to ADMIT to his or her complicity (with their peers as well) in this scheme that defrauds….. and expose it…..so far NONE…..



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